Predicting Formulas

If you have some formulas of actual compounds, you can predict the formulas of similar compounds using the Periodic Table.

Elements in the same chemical family have similar chemical properties.
•Remember: columns in the Periodic Table are familes (or groups) of similar elements
•That means they will often form compounds with similar chemical formulas (same atom ratio)

Example 1:
Given: AlF3 is an actual compound.
•The 1:3 ratio in this formula is caused by the chemical properties of aluminum and fluorine.
•Similar compounds will also have this 1:3 ratio.

Question: Predict the formulas for the element combinations below, given that AlF3 is an actual compound.

Elements Formula
Al + Cl AlCl3 Cl is in the same family as F, so Al and Cl have a 1:3 ratio like AlF3.
Al + Br AlBr3 Br is in the same family as F, so Al and Br have a 1:3 ratio like AlF3.
B + F BF3 B is in the same family as Al, so B and F have a 1:3 ratio like AlF3.
B + Cl BCl3 B is in the same family as Al, and Cl is in the same family as F.


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